2 Social and political stability


Social and political stability

Thailand is a foreigner friendly and welcoming Buddhist country. The country's form of government is a constitutional monarchy, with a high reverence for the Thai Monarchy, and devotion to the teachings of Buddhism. And although the vast majority of the people in Thailand are Buddhist, all religions are welcome, and His Majesty the King is the patron of all religions.

Growing economy

Economically, this country of 67 million people is characterized by steady growth, strong exports and a vibrant domestic consumer market. Abundant natural resources and a skilled and cost-effective work force help attract foreign investors, and enable them to prosper and develop industry in Thailand. 

World-class infrastructure

     In addition to a growing highway system that now connects not only every province in Thailand, but also to neighboring countries of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, Thailand also offers:

            •           7 international airports

            •           Modern city-wide mass transit

            •           3G/WiFi and broadband access

            •           6 deep sea ports and 2 international river ports, including containers, tank farms and liquid jetties

Thailand’s development plans for 2012 – 2022 include a high speed rail network that will connect north, south, east and west of Thailand, as well as to southern China.  The mass transit system is being expanded into the suburbs and air and marine transportation will be further strengthened to meet the pace of growing demand.


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